What Type of Veins Can Be Treated?

The Lumenis® Splendor X™ offers a non-invasive solution for spider veins, reticular veins (blue veins), and broken capillaries. However, it is important to note that this treatment cannot address varicose veins.

How Does It Work?

The laser creates heat within the blood vessel, leading to the closure of the vein’s walls and eventual disappearance of the vein. The precision of the laser ensures that only the selected blood vessel is impacted, leaving the surrounding skin unaffected.

Does It Hurt?

While undergoing treatment, you may experience a stinging or burning sensation, but most individuals find it quite tolerable. The duration of the treatment typically ranges from 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the number of vessels being treated.

When Will I See Results?

Immediate improvement is often noticeable after the treatment, with full clearance of the veins taking several weeks as they gradually fade away. For cases involving multiple veins, 2-3 sessions at 6-8 week intervals may be recommended.

What Should I Expect After Treatment?

After the procedure, you may observe darkening of the treated vessels, accompanied by slight redness along the vein. It is advised to avoid hot baths or excessive physical exercise for 1-2 weeks following treatment. Fortunately, there is no downtime, allowing you to resume your normal activities immediately.

Experience the transformative effects of spider vein removal with Lumenis® Splendor X™ at Timarron Aesthetic Center. Schedule a consultation to embark on the journey toward smooth, youthful legs. Reclaim your confidence and let your legs shine with the radiance of youth!

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